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Course Sequencing

Click here for Course Requirement information.

The Learning & Cognition Program does not currently enforce strict course sequencing throughout the program of study. A noteable exception to this is that students start out taking:

First Year:
Fall: EDPS 7010
Spring: EDPS 7020

Second Year:
Fall: EDPS 7300
Spring: EDPS 7400

Sample course sequence for student entering with Bachelor’s degree or non-thesis MS degree

Although this is a sample program of study, individual student needs should be addressed in regular meetings with the student’s advisor.

Year 1 -- fall

Year 1 -- spring

EDPS 7010 (3 credits)

EDPS 7020 (6 credits)

EDPS 7451 (3 credits)

EDPS 7440 (1 credit

EDPS 7440 (1 credit)

EDPS 7510 or elective (3 credits)

elective (like Independent Study with advisor?)


Year 2 – fall

Year 2 – spring

EDPS 7300 (3 credits)

EDPS 7400 (3 credits)

EDPS 7440 (1 credit)

EDPS 7440 (1 credit)

EDPS 6050 or 6051 (3 credits)

EDPS 6970 (3 credits)

EDPS 6970 (3 credits)


file application for admission to candidacy


Note that if you choose to pursue an MA instead of MS, there is an additional language requirement (Information below copied from the Graduate School website):

Language Requirements

Candidates for the M.A. degree must be certified by the Department of Languages and Literature as having demonstrated “standard proficiency” in at least one foreign language. However, departments may establish additional language requirements for the M.A. degree. There is no University-wide foreign-language requirement for the M.S. degree, but departments may establish their own language requirement. The major department determines the foreign language in which each candidate is required to demonstrate competence. The Language Verification Form for certification is available in the Department of Languages and Literature. For additional information, see also Language Proficiency Requirements elsewhere in this section of the catalog.

Departments may require "standard proficiency" or "advanced proficiency" in language competence in one or more foreign languages for graduate degrees.
Standard proficiency assumes a reading-comprehension level expected of a student who has completed one year of college foreign-language instruction or the equivalent. Students may verify standard proficiency in one of the following ways:

  1. Complete a second-semester language course (1020), or the equivalent at another institution, with at least a B grade (3.0). Submit a grade report or transcript to the Department of Languages and Literature, 1400 Language and Communication Building, for verification. Courses must have been taken not more than six years prior to the date of application for language verification.
  2. Pass the MLA (Modern Language Assessment) for French, German, Italian, Russian or Spanish in the Testing Center with a score indicating standard proficiency. Testing for most other common languages is available through Brigham Young University. Students interested in taking the MLA should first contact the Department of Languages and Literature for instructions and authorization.
  3. Pass a foreign language examination designed by the major department in consultation with the Department of Languages and Literature.
Last Updated: 9/9/21